Get my FREE 30-Day Healthy Habit Checklist

Ready to jumpstart a healthier and more energized life? You've come to the right place!

What if I told you that in just 30 days you could:

  • Feel better
  • Be exercising regularly
  • Eat better
  • See life through a lens of gratitude
  • Feel well cared for
  • Reduce stress
  • Create solid and sustainable healthy habits
  • Be more organized
  • Think more clearly

Sound pretty good? Get my FREE 30-Day Healthy Habits Checklist!

Here's how the Healthy Habits Checklist works:

  • The checklist is made up of 14 items designed to maximize your physical and mental health and boost happiness.
  • Sure you’ll find activities such as exercise and eating vegetables, but you’ll also find things like reading for 10 minutes each day, sleeping for at least 7 hours, and practicing gratitude. You can also customize it to fit your unique needs!
  • Each activity is assigned a point value to further encourage motivation. You definitely don’t have to follow the point value system if you don’t want to Rather you could simply check off items as you go. But I do think the point system is more fun, especially if you decide to compete with family members or friends!
  • The checklist is set up for 30 days, to give you a solid month to start implementing habits. Want to go longer? No problem! Just print another checklist, or clear it if using the digital version.
  • Be sure to put the checklist somewhere obvious so you will see it and be cued to do the healthy behaviors listed on it.
  • To maximize progress, determine a reward for yourself ahead of time. For example, you could assign a $ amount that you will allow yourself to spend on something fun per point. Or perhaps you make it a competition with friends and everyone puts $20 in a pot and the winner for the month gets all the money. Or maybe if you hit a certain amount of points or a certain percentage complete at the end of the month you get to go to an amusement park, the spa, or something purely for the fun of it. Or maybe your partner agrees to give you a night off without the kids. Maybe you get your kids into it and the winner is relieved of dishes for a month.
  • The sky is the limit. Be as creative as you want and have fun with it!

I hope you have an absolute blast creating healthy habits!

Pop in your email address and I'll send it your way!